Saturday, February 28, 2009


The first step to realizing that Baby G will not need us forever; 
she can hold her bottle all by herself, when she wants to! 

New PJ's

Thanks Auntie Marci, Uncle Rich & Charlie for my new PJ's. 
I look absolutely adorable in green and pink! :)

Daddy Kisses

These two are in love; need I say more?

Three Course Meal

In addition to peaches, we have added Sweat Pees and Rice
 Cereal to Giulietta's diet.  She has a new fancy "3 course plate"
and thoroughly enjoys eating like a BIG girl. 

However, she still prefers her bottle of breast milk over
these new foods! :)



Rosy Cheeks

Does Giulietta have your Daddy's rosy cheeks??

Sweet or Sour?

Giulietta had her first bite of REAL food about two weeks ago.
We chose to give her peaches first, and as you can see they 
tasted a bit sour at first, then sweet in the end! 

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Here is a little video of Giulietta rolling around and laughing
at her favorite little firefly!!


This is a video of Baby G babbling and babbling, while trying
to reach for the camera. I am sorry that I rotated the camera
mid taping, but you get the idea!! :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I am Einstein Now

Giulietta is growing and learning everyday. Now at four 1/2 months she
has outgrown some of her favorite toys.  Ryan and I have had to pack 
away her beloved Rainforest Swing & Mat for the next little Morad! :)

She is now playing with her Baby Einstein bouncer and loving every 
minute of it, as you can see.  It gives Mommy & Daddy almost an hour 
of free time to be able to do work around the house, relax or play
with our little lady! She laughs, talks, screams and bounces 
while having fun!! :) 


Giulietta has recently become very fond of her feet! She is constantly
grabbing for them now, and rolling from side to side. Her new trick
makes it especially challenging to change her diaper and dress her! 

Friday, February 20, 2009

Loving my Grandpa's

I took this picture specifically for the Granpa's in Baby G's life. 
Much to Grandpa Rick's dismay, this is the only clothing item that
Baby G has, that says anything about Grandpa.
She has many items that say things about her daddy, mommy, and
grandma's. So, if you are out and about and find something with 
grandpa on it, PLEASE let us know, so we can add it to her 
never-ending closet of clothes! :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pushing Up

Giulietta loves her tummy so much now that she flips onto it
whenever she gets a chance! She is also pushing herself up!

Little Miss Sweetness


Today Giulietta met her cousins Elisabeth & Chloe for the
first time. She thoroughly enjoyed watching, playing
and talking with them! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Funny Faces

Giulietta's many funny faces at four months old!! :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

My Side

When napping Giulietta now prefers her side!! 

Oh Holy Water

We are welcomed into the Church

Oil of Catechumens

Oil of Baptism

 Baby G is baptized with the water and cleansed
of all her sins; She is truly pure! 

Baptismal Candle

The newly baptized (and sleeping) babies with
their gleaming Momma's!
(Aiden, Giulietta, Charlie)

Proud Parents & Godparents

Giulietta's New Godparents
(Uncle Kenny Hardy & Cousin Michele Slatten)

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