Sunday, March 29, 2009

Naked Baby!!

She loves being naked; need I say more??

Toy Fun

A little video of Baby G playing with her toys!! (Sorry it's so dark.)


The family just having fun!!

Air Force One

As many of you know, President Obama came to California recently

and landed at Long Beach Airport.  Ryan, Giulietta & I all went out 

to see Obama leave in Air Force One at Long Beach Airport!! 

Free! Free at last!

This is how we found Giulietta in her crib the other morning!

She had broken out of her swaddle and moved herself all 

the way up to the top of her crib!! What will she do next??

Thursday, March 26, 2009

High Chair/Shopping Cart Cover

This high chair/shopping cart cover was made with love by my 

very talented Aunt Annie.  Giulietta & I picked out the fabric and 

Aunt Annie put it all together.  She even made Baby G a matching doll!

Happy St. Patty's Day

On St. Patty's Day, Giulietta wore this outfit to bed.  I decided 

since our lawn was filled with clovers (many of you might call

them weeds), that I should take advantage of the photo op. I 

placed her right in the middle of all the lucky clovers and she 

loved it!! 

Chin Bib

Thank You Auntie Marci for my cute little chin bib! It

works wonders at keeping all the drool off my clothes!

Here Fishy fishy fishy

Giulietta thoroughly enjoyed her visit at the aquarium with
Grandpa & Grandma Goble.  She loved following all the fish
and looking at the birdies.  

Best of all though, she enjoyed getting a great big shark smelling
hug from Auntie Sam and watching Uncle Nick get pooped
on by a bird! :) your jacket Uncle Nick!!

Love You Auntie Sammie!!

Giulietta & her friend, Mr. Sea Lion!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Visit with Great Grandpa Gordan

Thank you Great Grandpa Gordan & Great Grandma 

Marianne for coming to visit!! :)

Momma Love

Giulietta, Momma & Dadda just loving!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

5 Months & Sitting (sorta) Video

Short little video of G sitting!! 

5 Months & Sitting (sorta)

Yesterday, Giulietta turned 5 months old. When Ryan and I 
put her to bed, we talked about how much she has learned, 
grown, and become a little person in just a few months.

As you can see from these pictures, Giulietta has become
quite the little "big" girl! She is sitting up for a few seconds
at a time by herself now. She rolls all over the living room, 
and is constantly playing, laughing, and being happy! 

We are so in love with our little lady! :)

My Friend Noah

This is Baby G with her friend Noah! We live across 
the street from each other, and we go for walks together
frequently.  Noah loves to take to Giulietta and hold her 
hand while we walk. They are too cute together! :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Rolling! Rolling! Rolling on the Blanket! --UPDATED!!

This is a little clip of Giulietta rolling, playing, and talking!!

A New Toy

Thank you Grammy for my new ball. Mom and Dad 
are going to have to watch out; this new toy could be
very dangerous! :)

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