Thursday, August 5, 2010

Backpack, Backpack

Growing is something that Giulietta will never stop doing. But, over the past
few weeks, we have noticed what a BIG, and independent girl we have. On
Tuesday as we were leaving school, it hit me that she really is growing too
fast, and it is important for us to cherish each and every moment with her!

Summer Fun!

Who knew a $5.00 slip & slide and a baby pool could bring hours of
delight to these two little buddies?


Not only does Giulietta's preschool teacher play with her,
teach her, and love her, but now she does her hair like this!

Boy do I have the desire to learn how to braid like this, and
ultimately get G to sit long enough so I can! :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fun with Ice Cream

What's more refreshing then a Chocolate Dipped Ice Cream
Cone after a long day at the beach splashing around?

Apparently...Nothing!! Not only did she eat her cone, but she
also decided to wear it.

A Day at the Beach

Giulietta and Mama enjoyed some fun in the sun at Mother's Beach this
afternoon. She loved splashing in the water, rolling in the sand, and
searching for little fishies. When it was time to go, she politely asked me
to go run down to the water "one more time mama" while sticking one little
finger up. We are being constantly reminded that our little GiGi is not so
little anymore!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Vroom Vroom

Today Giulietta pulled my Mini slippers out of my closet,
 asked me to put them on her, then ran around the 
house pretending to drive a car! 


After noticing how Giulietta was fascinated with everyone's painted toes,
and seeing how she started touching them. I decided it would be fun to
paint hers.

So last weekend, I sat her at the table, grabbed each little piggie and
applied some pink polish. She was so excited by it that she felt the need
to touch it before it was dry, and then proceeded to run around the house.
As you can see, it isn't perfect, but it makes her feel like a BIG girl!

Yard Sale

We had a yard sale this weekend, and Giulietta entertained herself
by playing in the desk with Charlie, pulling the sale items off the
table, running around the front yard, and eating a Mc Donald's sausage
mc muffin in the wagon. All in all, we made about $100, and got one
step closer to clearing out Baby #2's room!
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