Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The blog postings are ALWAYS all about the girls
and what we as a family are up to. However, I wanted
to share this picture with everyone. You see, the man
in the center of this picture often gets left unmentioned. 
And, after all there would not be these two beautiful
girls and the wonderful life we lead without him. 
Ryan, Daddy or Daddy-O to the girls, is by far the best
husband and father us girls could ask for. Not only does
he love all three of us unconditionally, but he works 
tirelessly to provide for us, and devotes all of his time to be
with his family. He never complains, which I probably 
do enough for both of us, lets us down, or chooses himself
over us. He's gonna kill me for posting this picture, but it
shows who he is on any given night in our house. Glasses on, 
shirt off, and his arms filled with his girls! We love you babe!

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