Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Lights

Ryan spent his last day off putting up his splendid Christmas Lights. 
Giulietta is absolutely amazed by the beautiful colors! :)

Baby & Dogs

Chopper and Chloe are absolutely amazed by Giulietta!

Four Generations of Hardy's

The Four Generation of Hardy's plus Grandma Pat! :)

Thanksgiving Day Fun

Our Thanksgiving Day!!

Great-Grandpa Hardy

My Grandpa Al came for the first time to visit Giulietta on Thanksgiving. 
Now, everyone can see where her "frow" comes from!! :)

Cooking in the Kitchen

Giulietta was Daddy's assistant in the kitchen while
we were baking pumpkin cupcakes for Thanksgiving!

Playing in the Rainforest

Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Goble, Giulietta 
has a new mat to play on! And, she really enjoys it!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Smiling in Jeans

Today we dressed Giulietta in Jeans for the first time.
She surely is growing so fast and starting to look like a little girl.
She was so excited that she offered us a little smile! :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Mommy's Arms

Giulietta and I love cuddling!

Growing Stronger and Stronger

Every day Giulietta's neck is getting stronger 
and stronger. Before we know it she will be 
holding it up all day long by herself! :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Amazed By Mommy

Giulietta is becoming more and more alert with each
passing day. Now she is amazed by lips moving
and the sounds coming out of them!!

Relaxing After a Hard Days Work

You can usually find Ryan & Giulietta in this position 
most nights before we go to bed!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fun in the Tub

Giulietta's favorite part of the nightly routine.

Time to Exercise

Considering that it is hard to find time to exercise,
I decided to put Giulietta in the Bjorn and get in some
time on the treadmill. To our surprise, my slow walking
put our little lady to sleep!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Two Week Old Pictures

When Baby Giulietta was two weeks old, we took her to Sears 
for her first photo session! She did a wonderful job! 
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