Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rolly Polly

We can't keep this girl in one spot!

One minute she is laying on her tummy, the next on her back. 
She is on the blanket nicely playing, and you blink and she has rolled 
herself away and is getting into something. She has a strong
upper body, and some very strong legs. It's only a matter of time 
that she gets the two together and is crawling all over the house! Yikes!!

What REALLY Matters to this Mama

Life as I knew it changed drastically, but for the BEST when 
Giulietta was born on 10/09/08. For the first time in my life, 
it wasn't ALWAYS about ME. I no longer always got what
I wanted, no matter how hard I pushed for it, screamed for it, 
or cried for it. I was forced to essentially "grow up" and put
someone else before me, which wasn't necessarily hard, just
different. Although it only took seconds for me to Fall in Love
with my sweet daughter, it took me months to find a groove, 
to acquire the knack of being a Mom, learning the tricks of the 
trade in raising a child, and finding a balance in my new role.

However, it is true what they say...children, especially mine,
grow like weeds! And, as fast as they grow, is as fast as life
changes. As Giulietta reached each milestone through her first
two years, I changed as a mother in order to quickly adapt to her 
new "stage." It wasn't always easy, but being a mother is the
hardest and most rewarding job on this planet. 

When I thought that I had everything about motherhood 
figured out, life changed again, for what felt like the BEST
for the second time in my life, when Presley was born on 
12/16/10. Once again, the last six months have brought on
a lot of adapting to new schedules, and finding a balance. Seeing
how I have become the "stay at home Mom" I swore I never would
be, I have found myself enjoying each precious moment with my
girls. Watching them both learn and grow, wanting my help but also
stretching for their own independence, laughing and crying, and simply
being innocent young girls making their path in this road we call life is
what my days are now filled with. 

After months, okay maybe years, of fighting the fight inside me to still be that 
20 something girl free to do as she pleases, I lost. Well...actually I won. Because,
today I realized that a solid eight hours of sleep, planned lunches with friends, and
the endless list of chores to be done, are just not important when it comes to my
daughters. I made a conscious choice today, like I probably do everyday, to 
be with the girls and do for them instead of myself. Some of you are probably sitting
 back and saying "So, what? That's what parenthood is about?" Well, from what
 I have observed, it isn't that way to all parents. I want my girls to read
this post someday, and understand that I chose them! And, I will always choose them!
Because, after all...they are what really matter to this Mama! 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Enjoying the world from a different view

Presley is now sitting all by herself. Well...almost!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Pudge Alert!

Yup it's there.

It's not too much.

It's not too little. 

It's just right!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

3 years and counting...

That's right everybody, Ryan has officially celebrated being
an awesome daddy for the third time. 

He received some cards from the girls and I, a wall hanging made
 just for him by G at school, and his very first decorated coffee 
mug with a smiling face on the side of it. 

These two girls, just don't know how lucky they are to have
such a wonderful man to call their father. He is by far the most
 kind-hearted, patient, and playful daddy around. He always 
puts his girls first, including me, and spoils us all rotten. 

You can see his protective nature in his embrace,

his gentleness in his warm eyes, 

and his loving heart in his wide smile!  

These girls without a doubt, have their daddy wrapped
around their tiny little pinkies! 

A Day for the Dads!

We celebrated Father's Day this year by grilling
up some Kabob's and whipping up some
strawberry shortcake, while the "Fathers"
played with the kiddos, sat back and relaxed
in our new patio swing, and smiled ear to ear
with the joy of watching what they have helped create! 

As soon as the "godfather" arrives, he is 
constantly playing with one of the girls!

Like father...like son...like grand-daughter!

A little ride for the wee one with Fafa Mike!

And, of course our little family get together wouldn't be complete
without a couple snapshots of the entire family by our friend Marci! 

We all feel very thankful and blessed to be able to
celebrate our AMAZING dad's! Here's to many 
more years filled with fun times, love, and laughter! 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

She Does the Darndest Things

On Wednesday, I opened our fridge like I do multiple times
 a day, and this is what I found.

Apparently, Giulietta felt that her little pink princess
water bottle fit perfectly in the fridge door with
all the condiments, and the BBQ sauce fit perfectly in 
the drawer with the celery. G cracks us up all the time, 
because she does the darndest things! 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Half Birthday

 Today, we celebrated Presley's 1/2 Birthday!

It had never  occurred to us that a 1/2 birthday should be celebrated. 
However, when I was pregnant with Presley, I was so worried about how 
unfair it would be to her to have her birthday so close to Christmas.
A friend simply explained to me that I could make her feel extra special
by celebrating her 1/2 birthday, so that is what we did this year.
And, it is exactly what we intend on doing every year on her life.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What a Mess

It is re-model time again in the Morad home. This time, we 
cannot simply shut a door and leave the dust behind. You see,
it is ALL OVER our entire house, due to the fact that we are
completely redesigning our living room. However, the dust is
totally worth it for two reasons:

1. The living room will be beautiful when it is done, thanks 
to our crafty Daddy-O!
2. Giulietta looks so adorable trying to help & playing in the mess! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mommy's Girl

Presley and I seem to be inseparable! Considering that I have 
stayed home the past six months, and I am primarily the
one who cares for her the most, it definitely feels like she is connected
to my hip. 

Some days it is more challenging then others, considering
that I have my other monkey to take care of.

But, I would NEVER
change being Mommy to my two sweet girls, and I feel blessed
that I get this time to be with them! 

Monday, June 13, 2011

They call him Daddy

And...he sure is the best daddy these two girls could have!

A Monday Evening Stroll

There really is nothing better then taking a stroll around
or neighborhood with or two little ladies. 

A Hand-Me-Down!!

Just two years ago we stood in the exact same places on 
the sidewalk in front of our home introducing Giulietta
to the little VW car that would quickly become her ride
around the neighborhood. Today, we introduced Presley 
and, once again our girl had a blast! 

I wonder what another two years will bring! 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

They just aren't babies long enough

As Presley's half birthday is quickly approaching, I just keep 
thinking about how fast she is growing. I know the days with
her being a baby won't last much longer, however I will
forever hold the memories of her sweet smile, tinkling eyes,
and precious little toes in my heart forever! 

Taking a Dip for the First Time

During our trip down South in April, Presley experienced swimming in
the pool for the first time. She splashed, laughed, and lounged around.

It's only a matter of time before Giulietta and her are swimming like
little fishy's together! 

A Much Needed Trip

In April, our little family took a much needed trip
with Fafa Rick to relax, rejuvenate and bond. 

The weekend started with playing in the pool at the resort.

Followed by a visit to Legoland to build, ride, and play. 

And, ended with a day in the sun at Sea World.

Everything always seem right when family gets to spend
some much needed quality time together. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Green Smile

It's no surprise to me that both my girls LOVE
watermelon. It just happens to be my favorite 
fruit, and one of the foods I ate A LOT of 
when I was pregnant with both of them! 

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