Meet the Mama

Yup...that's me!!

My name is Katie, but I answer to Mama about 99% of the time. I am a
true Californian. I was born, raised, and am now determined to never 
leave the sun filled days and fast paced city living of Southern California. I
have been married to my high school sweet heart and best friend for four years now.
Ryan is my rock that helps keep my world going, and puts me in my place
when I need that jolt back to reality. He is the most gentle, kindhearted, and
supportive man I have ever known. He can fix, build, and figure out anything, which
is one reason why I keep him around. We have two beautiful daughters, Giulietta & 
Presley, who are the reasons why I started writing this blog to begin with. Giulietta 
is 2, almost 3, but acts like she is already a grown woman, and her sister 
Presley is 7 months. 

I proudly list my occupation as "Stay at Home Mom." However, I can also
be called a "Career Student." You see, I have consistently attended school, since, 
well...Kindergarten. I have a Bachelor's, Teaching Credential, and now a Master's. 
At this present moment, I am not enrolled in any type of institution, although I am 
constantly learning new things everyday from my little ladies. I have plans on 
returning to school in the near future to work on a Doctorate. everything
else, we will see where life takes me. 

 I have an obsession with keeping busy. I am ALWAYS on the go, whether it be 
walking to Target, taking the girls to the park, or any other errand that pops up.
 Therefore, at out house, you can always find clothes that need to be put 
away in a basket somewhere in my house, dishes in my sink that need 
to be scrubbed, floors ridden with crumbs and a few strands of dog hair 
(we have two mutts), and a home improvement project not quite finished yet.

 I try to do EVERYTHING, to make EVERYONE happy, and to not miss out
 on the things in life that really matter, which often gets me into a bit of trouble. I 
am the opposite of soft spoken. I believe in people speaking their mind (at the 
appropriate time and place), and living life the way they see suited. At times, I 
am probably viewed as abrasive, straightforward, and a little too honest. But...I
don't see a point in beating around the bush, because life is just too short. 

I have taken up photographer as a hobby since having my first daughter and 
starting this blog. As you can see, I spend the majority of the time behind the lens, 
because I take pride in capturing the beauty and growth of my girls. You can catch 
a glimpse of me time to time, snuggling up with my girls, or basking in the youth 
they provide me. 

I have a million other tidbits I could share about myself, such as the fact that
I am a HUGE Elvis fan (but you probably picked up on that when you read that 
we named our second born Presley), give my kids their names depending on where
 I vacation when I'm pregnant with them, and have to eat my grilled cheese and 
well down french fries from Volcano Burger (my favorite fast food joint) at least 
once a week! But...honestly who cares about me? This blog is essentially about my 
girls, the lessons they teach me, and the fun we have running down our path of life! 

Hope you enjoy!!

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