Sunday, October 17, 2010

Somersaults, Balance Beams, & Trampolines

Seeing how G LOVES to climb, roll, & dance, we 
decided it was the perfect time to sign her up for 

She enjoyed swinging from the bars, 

singing, jumping, balancing

and running around with Charlie! 

And, of course she had to have a pink leotard! :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Carriage for the Princess

Giulietta now has her own Princess Carriage that 
Nana attaches to her bike. She loves to kick back
listening to her Ipod while her hair blows in the wind!

Thanks Auntie Marci for my new wheels! :)

Heat Wave!!!

Since we didn't have much a scorching summer
like in years past, late September & now early October
have brought us a terribly HOT Heat Wave!

We decided to buy G a new pool, which was 
ironically on clearance at Target to save for next year.
However, since is was so ridiculously hot, we decided
to set up the pool & give her a little place to cool off! 

Halloween Haunt

Yes! We did it again. We took her to the Haunt, so I 
could selfishly get my picture of her with her Fafa Mike,
and Uncle Kaka dressed up as Monsters. 

However, this year we gave her the option as to whether
or not she wanted to go. At first, she said NO! So, we called
over Fafa Rick to babysit. But, when we were about an hour
 away from stepping foot at the ghoulish park, she insisted on
going with us. So, we took her. She cringed, whined, and 
said "NO, NO, NO!!" But, she never cried, gave most of
 the monsters high-fives & even told Monster Fafa that she 
loved him! 

Sprinkling Sister

Everything about Presley's Sprinkle was amazing!

From our 1950's dresses & hair-do's, Elvis' favorite
food, fluffy pom-poms & dangling gold records, &
the best family & friends in the crowd. 

Giulietta enjoyed all the festivities, as well as 
ooing & awwing over all her sisters new clothes,
toys, bedding, & diapers. She even was graciously
given a few gifts of her own to enjoy!

Best of all, was the special moments that Mama got
to spend with her sweet G! 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Krispie Kreme

A few weeks ago, I totally had a craving for a Krispie 
Kreme donut. So, I hopped in my car and brought home
a dozen. When Giulietta woke up, I promptly heated
her up one, and let her taste the sweet deliciousness. I 
think she LOVED it! 
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